Grammar » 42 » Double (Transitive) Verb Endings

So far, we have been using simple endings with verbs:

I see.
-junga indicates the subject of the sentence, or who does the seeing. It doesn’t indicate the object of the sentence, or what we see.
We could use a more complex verb ending:
I see him/her/it.

The ending -jara- tells us both who is doing the action of seeing (I) and who or what is seen (him/her/it.).  Inuktut has a whole series of what are called double verb endings.  These endings describe both the person who is doing an action and the person on the receiving end of the action.

For example:

takujagit takujannga
I see you. You see me.
takujaatit takujaanga
He/she sees you. He/she sees me
takujara takujait
I see him/her/it. You see him/her/it.
He/she sees him/her/it.  

There is a long list of these double verb endings. The above is just a small sample.  Some other examples:

qaujimajara  maliktara 
I know him/her/it. I am following him/her/it.
tukisijaanga qunngattaanga
He/she understands me. He/she is smiling at me.
tusaajanga ikajuqtanga
He/she hears him/her/it. He/she is helping him/her/it.



Be aware that in the South Qikiqtaaluk region, you may hear or see the following alternate endings:

takugikkit I see you.
takuginnga You see me.
takugaanga He/she sees me.
takugaatit He/she sees you.

These endings vary depending on the last consonant of the root they are added to.  After a root ending in q-, the endings start with r-

ikajuq- to help
ikajuraanga He/she is helping me.
ikajurikkit I am helping you.

After a root ending in k- or t-, the endings start with kk-

tukisinngit- to not understand
tukisinngikkaanga He/she isn’t understanding me.
tukisinngikkinnga You aren’t understanding me.